Geo targeting

Estimated time to complete: 2 minutes
Requirements: An account on, The domain must be on the PRO plan

Control in which countries your button should or should not appear.

A common usecase for this is to show different contact details (e.g. phone numbers) or communicate in a different language depending on the visitors location.

How to set up Country Display Rules?

Step 1

When editing your button, locate the Visibility box and click on it to expand the contents.

The Visibility box. Click the title or the arrow to expand the Visibility settings of your button.
The Visibility box. Click the title or the arrow to expand it.

Step 2

Inside the Visibility box look for the Display rules. Decide if you want to include or exclude visitors from a country by making the corresponding selection in the first pull down menu.

Select if you want to include or exclude visitors for specific countries by making the appropriate selection.
Select Show button when or Hide button when depending on your requiremens.

Step 3

Select Country code is: as the match type.

Select match type [Country code is:] when creating a geo display rule for your button.
Select Country code is: from the pull down menu.

Step 4

The last part is to set the county by entering the 2 digit country code according to the ISO 3166 international standard.

Enter the 2 letter country code of the country you wish to create a display rule for.
Enter the 2 letter country code.

Step 5

After entering the country display rules, click Save at the bottom of the panel.

Click save to store your changes.
Click save to store your changes.