Installing NowButtons on your website via Google Tag Manager

Estimated time to complete: 3 minutes
Requirements: An account on

Implementing or installing NowButtons on your website requires a single line of JavaScript to be added to the pages where you want the button to appear. If your website uses a tag manager such as Google Tag Manager, you can implement NowButtons without touhing your website's code.

Locating the implementation JavaScript

When you've just added your domain to your NowButtons account, you'll see a message containing the implementation JavaScript. Once you've created one or more buttons, you can find this information inside your Domain settings.

Step 1

Click on the gears icon at the top of your screen next to the domain pull down to open the Domain settings.

Step 2

Scroll down to the section called Installation instructions.

Step 3

Copy everything from the grey box under For current domain only.

Adding the JavaScript to your website with GTM

Now that you have the implementation JavaScript, let's add this to your website.