Maps Driving Directions

Offer your visitors a route planner to make it even easier to find you!

The single button of NowButtons

The Location action now offers driving directions

The Location action has been included since the launch late 2021. This was directly a popular feature and many of you added it to their website to show your business address on a map.

The Location action now has the option to show driving directions instead of a location on the map.

What the visitor sees

When a visitor hits a button with Travel Directions, she is taken to her Maps app or Google Maps in the browser. Next to the map with the destination, she is also presented an input field to enter her starting point. After then she can select the type of transportation (the default is car).

What you see

Below are screenshots take from the UI to highlight where you can find this new setting.

In the WordPress plugin:

Selecting Travel Directions in the WordPress plugin interface
Creating a button for Travel Directions in the WordPress plugin

In the Web App:

Selecting Travel Directions in the Web app interface
Creating a button for Travel Directions in the Web app

The only buttons your website needs!

And get ready to triple* your inbound business!
*C. Mansfield from Manco Media (UK) reported his phone calls/messages trippled after installing it.