Mid-year product update ☀️

An overview of the top additions of the year so far.

The single button of NowButtons

Content windows Pro

We’ve added slide-in windows that are triggered by a button. Add any content via a URL to embed it inside this window.

Example Appointment schedulers such as Calendly can be embedded directly in your website and triggered by a button.

Content Windows

Custom images on buttons Pro

Instead of picking an icon to appear on a button, you can now add your own images to it.

Example If WhatsApp chats are always answered by the same person, you can use their photo on the button.

Custom Images

WhatsApp Chat window

For the WhatsApp action you can either send people directly to the WhatsApp app, or start with a chat window. Here you can add a welcome message that appears as a speech bubble. Each new line becomes a new speech bubble that appears after a few seconds. In the meantime the visitor sees an animation creating the impression that you’re typing it live.

Example Appointment schedulers such as Calendly can be embedded directly in your website and triggered by a button.

WhatsApp Chat

Appear after scrolling Pro

Require your visitors to scroll to a certain point of the page before the button appears.

Example Combine this with the Smooth scroll action to create a Back to top button.

Appear after scrolling

Geo display rules Pro

You can now include or exclude visitors based on their country from seeing your buttons.

Example Businesses that operate in multiple countries can show local phone numbers based on the visitor’s location.

Geo Rules

Intercom Chat integration Pro

Intercom also adds a floating button to your website. Their button is a different size and positioned differently compared to ours. We now allow you to integrate Intercom into your NowButtons options for a cleaner look and feel.

More chat services to come!

Intercom Integration

Icon picker for Multibutton

Many people requested the option to select a different icon for the Multibutton’s main button. We’ve added 10 extra icons including phone, mail, WhatsApp and maps.

Example Businesses with multiple branches can show a single call button which expands into a list of phone buttons for each location.

Icon Picker

Maps driving directions

The location action has been there from the start. We’ve added the option to create driving instructions. Clicking the button shows your business location on a map, but also asks the visitor for their starting point to show the best way to travel.


Smooth scroll to page sections

The Anchor action has been rebranded and received an upgrade. Now you can scroll to tag names (e.g. body), name attributes (e.g. the first field in a form) and of course id attributes; enabling you to launch your visitor to the desired section of a webpage.

Example When you use it on the body tag, you have a smooth Back to top scroll.

Scroll to Point

Tally form integration

Tally is a new and unique form builder that we use at NowButtons. We’ve created an easy integration to embed a Tally form inside a slide-in window. The only thing you need is a form ID and you’re set.

Tally Integration

The only buttons your website needs!

And get ready to triple* your inbound business!
*C. Mansfield from Manco Media (UK) reported his phone calls/messages trippled after installing it.